Inspiring Titles About Spirituality and Success

Heaven Scent

Do you believe in life after death? What if someone you loved and lost made you believe in miracles once again? Heaven Scent – Love Letters from Beyond chronicles a journey of how a young girl’s loss of her mother can transform into a spiritual voyage of healing and understanding the possibility of life after death. This story of Sophia Rose walks you through life lessons that change the mindset of how to perceive the world of illusion and reality.

The tools shared through the experiences of a young girl will shift your mindset into realizing that we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience. Through the experiences of grief, the challenges of depression, and the healing process this character takes, you may just realize the power you have to control your life and happiness in a world of turmoil and fear.

This book is filled with inspiring messages that will allow you to see grief differently, realize that everything you do matters, and experience the power of God on a level you may have never realized.

Heaven Scent – Love Letters from Beyond may change the way you see coincidences through the loving letters left behind from a mother who loves her child and wanted nothing more than to help her heal from the world beyond. It may just help you realize that we are all connected through the power of God and that nothing separates the love of a mother and her child. Not in life and not in the illusion of death.


Through The Eyes Of Truth

What would you do if you heard your God whisper loud and clear? Would you listen, or ignore the echoes from your soul? Through the Eyes of Truth was literally an answered prayer. During the darkest time of my life, after losing my mom to breast cancer and having a great deal of change and uncertainty in my life, I dropped to my knees and asked God to show me my truth. My answer? WRITE. This was the word that I saw clearly.

Through the Eyes of Truth is a message about embracing your life through the world of possibilities. I wrote this book when I asked God to show me my truth and allowed source energy to write these words, one by one, as they were being downloaded into my mind. You will learn that fear is an illusion, and you have the power to change your mindset to focus on creating love and abundant life. This book is filled with pages that will help you realize your connection with God is as real as you want to experience it. Through these pages, you will gain clarity on the power that prayer has to bring you to the greatest relationship you will ever know. The relationship between you and God, you and yourself, and your goals. By tuning into your inner guidance system, which is God, you will discover how to embrace your own potential, step away from fear and judgment, and may even discover the road to your greatest life lies within you. These words may empower you into leading a life of love by connecting to self-love, self-acceptance, and self-sufficiency.

Through the Eyes of Truth was written to help you find your truth through the power of prayer. You will learn the art of self-acceptance and self-love, which can strengthen your relationship with God, and start hearing the voice of source whenever God speaks to you. Whether we acknowledge it or not, God lives within all of us. He’s waiting for your questions so that he can give you the answers you seek. I want to inspire you to find yourself again and step into the future with confidence, hand in hand with God. Soon enough, you’ll know exactly what to do. All you have to ask.

Creating Utopia

Living Life as a Miracle Worker shares with you the power you hold to live your life as a miracle worker. This second book of my answered prayer teaches how to harness the power of free will to create your life intentionally, and through focused thought and action. Utopia is referred to as the place where you can experience bliss and perfection, but realizing that you hold the key to experiencing your own bliss despite the circumstances in the world around you, empowers you through knowledge.

Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker reveals enlightening lessons that can be applied to your everyday life; lessons such as learning to listen to your God whispers, identifying illusion and fear, and even connecting through the veil with your loved ones who have crossed over from life into the spirit. This book reveals that we are all energy and are connected through the power of God. We all soar on the same set of wings, and learning how to say “yes” to your own dreams actually elevates the energy of those around you.

If you are feeling tired of thinking you have to compete for attention, “likes,” or even approval from the world around you, then this book is a must-read. You will understand how you, alone, can harness your own God-given gifts to create self-love in your life. Needing the approval and the applause from the world around you may no longer be your priority. Instead, you will listen to your own God whispers and allow God to walk you through a path of creating your greatest life. You, alone, hold the key to unlocking the door to your greatest miracles.

If you are ready to connect with your creator and to the world within you, then Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker is a must-read!


The Wealth Blueprint

Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker shares with you the power you hold to live your life as a miracle worker. This second book of my answered prayer teaches how to harness the power of free will to create your life intentionally, and through focused thought and action. Utopia is referred to as the place where you can experience bliss and perfection, but realizing that you hold the key to experiencing your own bliss despite the circumstances in the world around you, empowers you through knowledge.

Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker reveals enlightening lessons that can be applied to your everyday life; lessons such as learning to listen to your God whispers, identifying illusion and fear, and even connecting through the veil with your loved ones who have crossed over from life into the spirit. This book reveals that we are all energy and are connected through the power of God. We all soar on the same set of wings, and learning how to say “yes” to your own dreams actually elevates the energy of those around you.

If you are feeling tired of thinking you have to compete for attention, “likes,” or even approval from the world around you, then this book is a must-read. You will understand how you, alone, can harness your own God-given gifts to create self-love in your life. Needing the approval and the applause from the world around you may no longer be your priority. Instead, you will listen to your own God whispers and allow God to walk you through a path of creating your greatest life. You, alone, hold the key to unlocking the door to your greatest miracles.

If you are ready to connect with your creator and to the world within you, then Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker is a must-read!

God Whispers

A Daily Devotional – Just imagine what your life would be like if you tuned down the noise from the world around you and honored your God whispers. You might spend more time creating the life of your dreams and less time being consumed by the negative energy of limiting thoughts. God Whispers was created to provide you daily inspirations to honor your God whispers and co-create your life with God. This book is a compilation of inspiration collected from excerpts from the books, Through the Eyes of Truth – A Conversation with God About My Life, Your Life, & Discovering Our Purpose, Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker, and Heaven Scent – Love Letters from Beyond.

God Whispers is a daily devotional to help you start your day through inspiration, and shifting your mindset to connect to the world within you. This world is where your dreams are stored and where your deepest relationships with God, yourself, and your goals exist. Open the book on any of the pages, and you will find a page filled with inspiration that is meant to empower you, to help you feel the abundance of love and joy, and help you live your best life.

love needs a home ebook

Love Needs a Home

Discover a beautiful journey through the spiritual and emotional joys of adopting rescue animals.

Artfully written as a heartfelt and deeply moving book for anyone who is thinking about opening their home and their heart to a rescue animal, Love Needs a Home reveals the joys of adopting an unwanted pet who needs a family.

Filled with thoughtful quotes and inspiring reflections, this book invites you on an emotional and spiritual journey that will speak to your soul, inspiring you to become a voice for animals in need. You’ll witness how embracing a stray or rescue pet will open fascinating new doorways into love, beauty, and profound spiritual depths.

Written from the perspective of a rescue animal, this book reveals how adopting a shelter animal can be a healing journey that nurtures our souls, along with how animals can help us appreciate the little miracles in life. You’ll also learn how the lifelong bond that develops between pet and owner can help us overcome our own deep-rooted feelings of hurt, trauma, or abandonment.

As a wonderful meditation for aspiring and experienced pet owners alike, Love Needs a Home offers a treasure trove of wisdom, making it an unforgettable read that encourages and inspires you to adopt a rescue dog, cat, or any other animal in need.

Preparing the Mind to Win book cover

Preparing the Mind to Win

Preparing the Mind to Win allows readers insight into the illusion of competition, where they are introduced to new ways of thinking as well as tools to change their perspective on the competitive journey. Readers will realize through changing thought patterns into deliberate actions that will support rather than negate their desired outcome, they have the chance to feel as if they already won their competition with or without the prize. Whether you are trying to win a pageant, fitness competition, or achieve any intended goal, you can learn tools to replace old thought patterns that may have been preventing you from succeeding. Preparing the Mind to Win helps you feel more in control of a perceived competition that on the outside may appear to be luck, but is in fact a manifestation of your strategic thought process

Creating Your Universe front

Creating Your Universe

Can you imagine the unlimited potential your mind has to create? Better yet, can you fathom how you would apply your own power of thought, emotion, and action if you established a relationship with God while you are becoming the greatest version of yourself? Creating Your Universe is my answered prayer as I asked God to reveal to me how to alter my mindset in order to create new experiences in my life. Through my answered prayer, I wrote page by page a 30-day guide as to how you too can change your universe by changing your thoughts and your patterns of daily habits.

Each page is filled with my God whispers so you can take this journey with me into unlocking the greatest door of your life… your own mind. These pages are meant to help you develop a better understanding that you don’t have to compete with the world for your goals, rather learn how to create them from your world within. As you alter your thoughts, you begin changing the course of your emotions to tip from fear into love. Then through changing your own actions, you begin to realize that your world within may just be the reality and the world outside of you the illusion.

Creating Your Universe helps empower you and send you on a spiritual journey of developing a deeper connection to God, your goals, and ultimately yourself. For anyone who loves to challenge your own thoughts to become a better version of yourself, this book is a must read!