A Common Manifesting Mistake

Excerpt from Creating Your Universe – Suzy Bootz
I have learned the biggest mistake I can make when being called to manifest huge dreams is to call God a liar. When God shows me a vision of what is, I believe it is already done. I believe that our role as co-creators is to believe the vision God showed you and walk towards it with all of your might! No doubt, no trepidation, and no excuses. I mean, if you can’t trust God then who can you trust, right? I think the problem doesn’t come down to trusting God, but trusting your own God whisper to know that it is in fact Source speaking to you. The most beautiful conversations I have had in my life have been with God. There is no room for judgment, but only love and truth. This is where true peace exists and how I have been able to write my spiritual books word for word.
So, how do you walk in faith when you live in a world of fear? How do you keep the vision God showed you front and center in your mind and focus your attention to the detail of its creation? Especially when it seems as if you are chasing something that isn’t real? Ask God to confirm the messages you are receiving from your God whispers. After all, I truly believe that God wants a deep relationship with each of us because as one with us, what better way to truly get to experience love? Building a relationship consists of investing your time, your effort and your thoughts to this relationship between you and Source energy. So when you receive your God whispers then you get to listen, ask God questions, listen for your answers, and then move in the direction of his path.
After all, you do this everyday with the relationships you have in your life now. Why should God be any different? How many times do you check your phone for messages from family, friends, and loved ones? Do you do the same spiritual check-ins with God? If not, then maybe now is a good time to start. The more you can develop your conversations with God, the easier it may be to hear your own God whispers. Most importantly the easier it may be to trust those messages and act on them. Believing God is one thing, but choosing not to act on the guidance you are receiving is another. You are responsible for your own free will.
We look out into the world and watch miracles happen every day. What is preventing you from creating your own? You are too intelligent, too incredible, and too beautiful of a soul not to grant yourself your greatest dreams. So the next time God shows you a vision or whispers into your soul the echoes of your greatest dreams, honor the vision. Ask God to confirm his message and then walk towards that vision with all of your might!
Remember, your journey begins with a prayer.