The House that God Built – Creating a Miracle

Excerpt from Creating Your Universe
If you could create a dream home, what would it look like? Think about it. So many of us dream of having a beautiful home that represents a haven where you can feel safe from the chaos in the world around you. But when you look at your life, have you created this home? I’m not referring to just a pretty house where you live, but a true dream home where you feel love and connection to God when you enter through front doors. This dream house doesn’t just represent a physical structure but where you house your mind, body, and soul. I think this is the most important house of all.
I would love for your to challenge yourself to create a house that love built. One that is filled with the rooms that hold your greatest dreams and your deepest loves. This house is one you get to choose how it is created. It can be one that you move into, one that already exists, or even dreaming bigger… one that you create in the spiritual realm but get to receive in the most surprising and unexpected way! This way you know without a shadow of a doubt that you created this with the power of prayer and action as a co-creator with God.
What would this look like for you? If love can move mountains then it can create the most beautiful miracle that may inspire another person to look within their own souls and realize what they are capable of. We tend to focus so much on what already is that we have adopted the illusion that we have to compete for something we want because there isn’t enough. But competition is an illusion. You a re a born creator and you can inspire one person through your miracle to help them see what is possible. To let them realize the power of the mind to unlock the door to infinite possibilities.
Create a house for yourself that will empower another soul to see what their mind, body, and soul are capable of creating. Ask God to show you what the greatest vision of this dream looks like through his eyes, and then start the manifestation process. Work from the end to the beginning as if this vision is already a reality. Remember, you are a born creator and the greatest toolbox you have within you lies in your mind. Build this house in a way that has not been documented before. Steer away from what people have already done and build your new dream home in such a manner here once you see it come into your reality, you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you and God created this miracle from a vision.
Your journey begins with a prayer.