The Importance of Setting Intentions

Excerpt from Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker
What would it take for you to realize that God is real and that you can develop your relationship with your Creator on an incredibly deep level? Would it take a miracle? In your own mind, how would you define a legitimate relationship with God to the point where you would start. Searching for your God whispers more than for the approval from the world around you? Everyday. You get to choose what you think, how you feel and what you do. Although you cannot control so many things that happen in your life, you can control how you think and what you do to respond to them.
Setting your intention is about being deliberate with your life and with your goals. You need to know very concisely what you want and why you want to experience this. Your what is your goal and your why is your emotional connection to it. The purpose you have set to feel the emotions of being connected to God. After all, we are emotionally driven beings having a physical experience. Your emotions are what drive you to succeed and to create abundance in your own life. They feed your soul when the goal seems frustrating or even out of reach.
How often do you set your intention for miracles? You know, those goals that would seem out of reach for one person or have yet to be created by the masses? Most of us wake up every morning and set our intention to not only go to work, care for our family, and carry out your obligations. But when it. Comes to setting your intentions and time to create personal goals that far exceed your own normal life, how much effort and time do you dedicate to this goal?
So many people just do enough to get by and forget that you are a born creator. You possess within your own mind the ability to create so many incredible experiences. You tend to gauge success by what the majority of people have done in their lives right? You are taught to go to school, get an education so you can go to work for another person, save enough money and retire when you are older. But how many of you are taught that there is more to creating an amazing life than just by what you have seen others do?
Wouldn’t you find it more exciting to jump out of bed every day knowing that you can create the goals that make your heart happy? The experiences of love that are written in your sou blueprint rather than just duplication another person’s blueprint? I believe that so many more people would be happier if they only had the courage to dream their own dreams and live a life by design rather than a life of dissatisfaction? Yet rather than ask God to show us what we are capable of, we ask other people who have failed to believe in themselves and are living an ordinary and unfulfilling life. Why is that?
Are we so blind to our own greatness that we would rather settle for the ordinary rather than the extraordinary? I have battled this mindset for most of my life, and it wasn’t until God spoke into my soul where I learned to listen to my God whispers and tune out the noise from the world around me. In fact, God has been so clear on his message to me that I wrote out my God whispers in my books. However, this message is meant to inspire another. This message is meant to inspire you to pray more and listen to the voice of truth within you. That same voice that is connected to a source of love so deep that it may just change your life!
Let’s take this journey together. Let’s manifest what the world would consider a miracle so you can understand the power you have to create your greatest life between you and God. Are you ready? Your journey begins with a prayer.