Road to The House that God Built (Manifesting Challenge Week 1)

Excerpt from Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker
When I wrote these words for my book, Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker, I had no idea the incredible journey God would be taking me on. I have always been a dreamer, and BIG dreams have always filled my heart. So of course, when I had a dream to help ignite the fire within the souls of people who want to manifest a greater version of themselves, God answered. Through each word in this book, God helped me to realize that we are all born with the power to build powerful dreams and turn them into tangible goals.
Every dream first begins with a thought. From that thought, you add emotions of love, joy, empowerment, and gratitude to help build momentum to bring this dream into reality. Yet, so often we can get distracted by “what is” and forget that we have the resources within us to create bigger and better lives. What dreams do you have for 2023? Mine has been to remind people that competition is an illusion and goals and dreams are created, not competed for. Yes, I do believe this even though I have been a worldwide pageant coach for over 14 years!
Although it may appear that we are all competing for one coveted prize, the creator of this experience already connected to winning the prize package before we even competed for it. The journey into manifesting has been such an enlightening journey for me as I have listened to and honored my God whispers in order to create the most beautiful life I could ever dream of.
Whether you are trying to create new relationships, manifest a new car, or even win a national contest, realize that you are the creator of your own experience and you can connect to the emotions and thoughts of already having this in your life today. When you truly realize that underneath the clothes, the hair, and all of the material experiences, you are a pure energy being having a physical experience. You can seize the moment of already having your dreams in your life now, because as pure energy you remember that where attention flows there is where the energy goes.
It’s a new year and a new moment to manifest some of the greatest dreams that have been hidden within the walls of your own soul. If you need help, read Creating Utopia – Living Life as a Miracle Worker. Even though I wrote this book, I read it constantly to remind me that I have the power within to create an extraordinary world outside of myself. Dream bigger than before, expand your mindset and your energy to manifest more love and joy in your life, and ask God to show you what your life looks like through the eyes of source. You are magnificent beyond words, so it’s time you begin living your life as the incredible child of God you were created to be.
Your journey begins with a prayer,