Adopting a Rescue Dog
You can experience more love, more connection, and many more licks on your face. You will know how happy you make us through tail wags and cuddles like you’ve never known before. We are trying desperately to connect to you through love and answered prayers, so won’t you give yourself the chance to know what you are capable of? Love is the strongest emotion that attracts more love into your life. You don’t need to experience loneliness by staring vacantly into your telephone screen when you have us! Think about the amount of time we can spend together just being in one another’s space and connecting to love without the disappointment of not getting anyone’s approval.
We will never judge your appearance or scoff at you when you make a mistake. We will be there for hugs when you are feeling down and for puppy kisses when you feel so sad that words escape you. Shelters and the streets are filled with so many homeless animals like myself, that there is so much love to be shared if you will only push yourself past the fear of the unknown. Think about it, what if you started walking us in the mornings and began feeling better about your health and your fitness? Only because walking us made you responsible for moving more than you had before you adopted us. What if you started running to get into better shape and decided to enter your first half-marathon. Not because you’re the fastest runner, but because you found something inside your soul that you love to do.
I think so many people in this world suffer from apathy because you lack direction. You might feel there is no purpose for your life, but only because you chose to do the same thing every day and tried to connect to material possessions more than soul accomplishments. So many of you spend your time and money building wealth and status only to feel empty inside, because what your soul really craves is the connection to love. Imagine pouring just a fraction of that time into building a relationship with a shelter animal who can love you back in ways you never even dreamed about. We offer so much more than the expensive handbag sitting on your shelf and yet cost less to adopt. There’s nothing wrong with creating a beautiful life filled with material possessions that bring you joy.
However, keep in mind that donating your time to your local humane society, spaying or neutering your animals to prevent over-population, or adopting one of us wonderful souls can bring you greater joy than you may expect …Miracles happen every single day, yet so many of you are staring at your phones and don’t allow yourselves to see them right in front of you. The fact you are reading this book is a miracle. One that allowed me to connect to you from the other side. As I watch these beautiful animals waiting for a forever home, I am in awe of how God works. There is nothing to be in fear of when it comes to adopting the homeless pet that is right for you. Maybe you are meant to donate your time to a shelter, create donation drives for food and supplies for your local humane society, or bring one of these beautiful creature’s home with you. Whatever it may be, ask God to show you and help you follow the path that is right for you. – Excerpt from Love Needs a Home – Finding Love Through Pet Adoption