Why Are Your Manifestations Taking so Long?

When you seek knowledge, I will fill your mind with unlimited truth. When you seek to discover love, I will fill your heart with the depth of love unlike anything you have ever known. When you choose to know yourself on a level beyond what the world tells you that you are capable of, I…

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How I Manifest My Greatest Dreams

What if another soul embarked on a journey into her own self? If she inspired you to release the self-imposed shackles that restrict her ability to manifest the life of her dreams, would you observe with an open mind and allow the see of hope to be planted in the soul of your beautiful life?…

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My Journey Began with a Prayer

Hi, my name is Suzy and I’m an author, personal coach, and mentor. My mission? To help women from all across the globe not only discover who they truly are, but to also become the best version of themselves. Ever since I was a young child, I felt like I always had a deep connection…

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The Illusion of Competition

Competition as you know it is an illusion. It doesn’t matter if you are competing with another person for a fitness competition, a pageant, or a one million-dollar prize package, competition is created not won. We are all energy and whatever you focus your energy on… you create. So many people enter contests in hopes…

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Would You Recognize the Voice of God? – Part 1

Would you recognize the voice of God speaking into your soul? How can you tell if you are hearing your God whispers during prayer and throughout your day? I used to think that prayer was a time when I needed to thank God for my blessings and then scurry away to the hustle and grind…

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When God Says No – Part 2

Despite my many prayers for God to heal my mom’s cancer, I realized my dream signified something so much more important. When I had a dream that God spoke to me and told me mom was coming “home†I realized that despite my prayers, God said no. I had to ask myself, what kind of…

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When God Speaks – Part 3

The grieving process was difficult to say the least and there were so many weeks that it physically hurt my body to draw breath. I never realized how physical emotional pain can be until mom’s death. Light would hurt my eyes and I needed to wear sunglasses everywhere… even indoors. The sounds that normally brought…

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When I Faced the Monster in the Mirror

Isn’t it amazing the power that words have to create or destroy our own sense of worth? This is why I started Creating Queens. My goal is to make every young girl and women of all ages realize they are queens and the keys to their kingdom lies within them. As a mentor, author, and…

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