Writing My Dream Journey (Road to The House that God Built – Week 5)
“You are about to unfold a truth so deep that this dream journey will be written in order for all who seek the truth of their own existence to understand. They will not doubt that they too have the power to turn thought into abundance of that which brings them joy. Whatever your heart seeks in love, ask God and it shall be given unto you. For you are all extensions of Source energy, and cannot be separate from love except for your perception of the separateness. Seek that which your soul wishes to experience in love, and you will witness your world flow abundantly in love.” – Suzy Bootz
Excerpt from Through the Eyes of Truth – A Conversation with God about My Life, Your Life, & Discovering Our Purpose

I wrote these words over 13 years ago in my first book titled, Through the Eyes of Truth – A Conversation with God about My Life, Your Life, & Discovering Our Purpose. As I was writing this book word for word from my God whispers, I was not only learning to how become a deliberate creator…. I was writing out a miracle journal. The words in this book changed my life forever and they may just change yours aw well! I believe that God gives us all prophesies about our own life, and when you tune into your God whispers you become aware of how you can create a miracle in your own life just through the power of your own mind.
Think about this… you are all extensions of God, and as co-creators with Source energy you become aware of your own soul blueprint. Those beautiful miracles that God may reveal to you through prayers, dreams, meditations, and so many other ways of receiving. However, so often when we receive these blueprints or visions, we second guess their validity and just toss it up to our own imagination when in fact it may just be your answered prayer. My belief is that if something is calling to your heart from your soul to create, and it brings you joy and love just thinking about it… then why not create it!? Our greatest ideas come from our own imagination but we are often so insecure about trusting ourselves that we ignore these messages and keep repeating our own limiting patterns of thinking and doing.
When I received these words through my answered prayers, I literally wrote as fast as my fingers could type. I wrote for months, and then more months after that. Once I wrote my initial draft, I realized that I had written over 120,000 words and had to edit this book myself so the message wouldn’t get compromised. Many more months passed as I worked daily to edit my book, and when I was finally pleased with the outcome, I created an audio book that is available through audible.
Not only did I write every word, edit this book, and then publish it… but I began reading and listening to this every single day until I truly understood the message and could change my mindset. It was the first of many books I would write from my answered prayer. Now that I look back on this book, I realize it was also a prophesy for me. One that I could witness unfold as my life began changing and I began creating greater experiences of love and joy. None of this could have been possible without the lessons in Through the Eyes of Truth.
You are such an incredible and talented soul and when you can tap into your gifts a little bit deeper, then God will help you use them to create more love in your life and possibly in the life of another person. We are all connected and I believe that we all soar on the same set of wings. When I can lift your spirit up towards becoming inspired by your own talents, then you can ignite a ripple effect that may be felt upon nations. How will you ever know unless you try? If you feel lost or need the greatest relationship to help you then pray. Ask God to show you what your life and talents look like through the eyes of Source… Through the Eyes of Truth – A Conversation with God About My Life, Your Life & Discovering Our Purpose.
Remember, your journey begins with a prayer.